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Four Program Custom Mortgage Calculator


Our four program custom mortgage calculator allows you to figure out each program monthly payment including principal & interest, taxes, insurance and mortgage insurance. It also allows computing total savings if you decide to pay more towards the principal... 




Customers Reviews:

  • Julio Gomez • October 09, 2016

    It was great to have Clear Lending support to achieve my objectives. My Family and I contacted Clear Lending from Indonesia for primary home mortgage. All the process was completed remotely by email and Whatsapp. Upon getting the credit approval, we chose our new home and closed the purchase successfully and timely. My Family and I are very lucky to count on you and we wish to thank you for a fantastic services and for your guidance and advise.

  • Fausto Cruz • February 04, 2015


    No tengo palabras para agradecerles todo lo que han hecho por nosotros, mi Esposa y yo estamos muy felices de que nos ayudaron a realizar nuestro sueño de comprar la casa que tanto esperamos. Este fue un gran trabajo de ustedes, cuando todo parecia muy complicado, siempre encontraron la solucion, siempre nos dieron mucho aliento para continuar, y nunca nos dejaron solos. Joan, gracias por conseguirnos locked rate de 3.875% cuando habiamos iniciado con 4.25%. Gracias por tomar nuestras llamadas y responder nuestras dudas a toda hora, siempre con la major actitud. Los recomendamos 100%. Gracias por hacer lo imposible posible, los voy a recomendar con todos mis amigos.

    Un abrazo! Fausto

  • Sharon Franco • January 21, 2016

    July 28th.... A very important day for someone at age 44. A huge change that was much needed but none the less, very difficult. After living in my previous home for 15 years and being with someone for 25 years, I found myself back at my Mom’s house and starting over. After wallowing in my sadness for a while, I decided to start looking for a new home for my young adult children, dogs and myself. Thankfully, a cousin had given me a number to a realtor that led me to Joan with Clear Lending. With all the difficult changes I also was in for a fight when it came to applying for a mortgage. Being naive to the process, Joan was very patient and helpful. Even when I felt hopeless, he reminded me constantly it would be okay and it was part of the process, I'm not sure but I think maybe a part of him was starting to see the difficulty I was facing. But one night, I received the best phone call in the world!! I was clear to move forward and close on my home. I thank God every day for putting the right people in my path to help in my new chapter of life. Thank you Joan and Clear Lending for working so hard on my approval for my mortgage.


    God Bless

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