Great Mortgage Loan Option for entrepreneurs and self-employed borrowers who are required to prove their income by what they pay in taxes as opposed to what they made... MORE
Lowest down payment option, the 3% DOWN PMT Program has become the solution to buyers with low credit and limited funds for closing... MORE
Combine your purchase or refinance of your home with a loan up to your county limits to pay the costs to renovate or extensively remodel the property... MORE
One-Close Construction Loan Program incorporates a construction period of 9 or 12 months followed by a fully amortized loan term with a single closing... MORE
Because of low down payment requirements and less stringent lending standards, FHA loans amongst the most popular mortgage loan... MORE
JUMBO loans to 89.99% loan-to-value (LTV) without mortgage insurance available for amounts up to $3,000,000 and greater amounts under lower LTVs... MORE
Also commonly called modular homes or pre-cut homes, manufactured homes have been built in a factory in a way that conforms to all federal building codes administered by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development... MORE
Professionals from overseas working in the US with a qualifying valid working VISA may have access to housing... MORE
Conventional fixed-rate mortgages are a popular option because it allows to get rid of mortgage insurance once your loan balance is 80 percent or less of the home's value... MORE
So, you make the income, can afford the monthly payment, tired of renting and have saved some money but not enough and need help with down payment and/or closing costs? If so, you are in the right place... MORE
FHA and VA Loan Programs for borrowers with 580+ scores and no late payments in last 12 months... MORE
Do you have 15% down payment saved (minimum $35,000)? Residential Loan Program geared towards financing undocumented borrowers living in the USA that have a legitimate and reporting ITIN and in some cases duplicate SS numbers... MORE
VA Mortgage loans can be guaranteed with no money down and there is no private mortgage insurance requirement. An exclusive benefit for active-duty military personnel, veterans and their families... MORE
If you are a citizen of another country who visits on vacations or relocates to the U.S. for business, educational, or employment opportunities and looking to purchase a property, Clear Lending can help you... MORE
Are you planning to get a mortgage refinancing in Houston, TX? Our experienced mortgage consultants can help you compare mortgage options to lower your payments. Call us Now!... MORE
Fixed-rate mortgage programs are now available for DACA recipients with work permit classification C-33 and with credit scores as low as 600 and a down payment of only 3.5%... MORE
There is no home mortgage that matches rural loans in terms of the flexibility it offers... MORE
USDA Rural Development provides a path to homeownership with 100% financing for for low- and very-low-income families living in rural areas, and families who truly have no other way to make affordable homeownership a reality... MORE
Buying a house will be one of the most important financial decisions you will make in your life and knowing well in advance how much money it will take to buy the right house; it will make this process much easier... MORE
At Clear Lending, we will conduct a free analysis helping you understand your chances of qualifying for a mortgage based on your current filed income documents. Simply contact us and we will help you understand key areas of concern... MORE
Some borrowers think their loan approval is guaranteed because of their "excellent" credit, they have plenty of cash at home for down payment and because they earn a lot money. To their surprise not only their loan gets denied but also lose their earnest money deposit... MORE
Debt-to-income ratio indicates how much of a percentage of your income you are paying towards your debt each month. High debt-to-income ratio is a reason for many lenders issue a denial. Contact us for a free analysis... MORE
Here are 10 very important things you don’t want to do while you plan or you’re already in the process of buying a home. In many loan denials borrowers have missed one or more rules... MORE
The Veterans Administration Loan Program enables veterans and active-duty personnel to purchase or refinance VA Jumbo Loans in Texas. VA Jumbo Loan size limits are over the conforming loan limit of $647,200 to a max $4,000,000 at a 100% Loan-To-Value. MORE
Since 2002, Clear Lending has helped thousands of clients with the smoothest loan application process minimizing potential loan complications and assuring fastest loan approval. It doesn’t make sense seeing homes until you are familiar what your monthly payment will be on areas you wish to live... MORE
Have you ever calculated the savings you can realize in mortgage interest expenses if you pay a little bit more to principal balance each month? With our custom-designed calculator now we can… MORE
Do you have a dream house in mind and are looking to finance it? Clear Lending brings the right home loan program for dreamers. Contact Clear Lending today to turn your dream home into a reality... MORE
Next we will explain the keys to succesfully buy a house in 2022. Searching for the best mortgage lender in houston or real estate professional is not an easy task. Below are some of our best tips that you can use to efficiently plan out your home purchase... MORE
In order to assure your loan approval, it is imperative before you start the loan process to make sure all credit cards or installment loans are free of accounts in dispute in some cases no matter how old they are... MORE
If you are considering investing in residential property and would like to have more options please contact us to refer you our most experienced agents and review areas to consider before deciding where to invest. Maximize your return on investment... MORE
Our four program custom mortgage calculator allows you to figure out each program monthly payment including principal & interest, taxes, insurance and mortgage insurance. It also allows computing total savings if you decide to pay more towards the principal... MORE