Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 7:30 pm / Sat Appointment Only

Calculadora Hipotecaria para Cuatro Programas


Nuestra calculadora hipotecaria le permite obtener los pagos mensuales de cada programa incluyendo principal e interés, impuestos, seguro y seguro hipotecario. También le permite calcular los ahorros si decide pagar mas al principal... 





Comentarios de clientes:

  • Miguel Barnal • Agosto 24, 2023

    Thanks Joan for you amazing work and even better interest rate. Anyone looking to buy a home I recommend this company. Very professional, knowledgeable, experienced and available professional. I like to equally thank Patricia for answering all my questions throughout the entire process. You guys rock!!!

  • Vianka Franco • Marzo 24, 2021

    Thanks Joan for helping us find our dream house and for making our loan possible. We were rejected by countless banks before and I am so appreciative because no one said the words you said first time: "Let's work your cases step by step and will buy a house". Thank you soooo much!!!

  • Armeris Tamayo • Diciembre 20, 2019

    Hello to all those people who follow closely Clear lending Houston tx. First, tell them not to be afraid to make a decision and approach to seeking information. I know that for many they think that buying a house is a big problem or a tedious process, I also thought the same thing but I can not tell you that since I arrived at the clear lending office where I was well received, I already knew that I was part of the big family that is clear lending for good attention the positive environment and where you breathe airs of achievement. I can also tell you that the professionalism and knowledge of these people make this long process less heavy and more enjoyable. When there are people who know what they are doing, they make the processes easier, I say so because not only is it I want such a house or another. I tell them that no, throughout this process it is where you start to find what you want, you learn from several tips that are provided by a great agent that is Joan thanks to his knowledge and his advice I managed to get the house that I did not think to have. Regardless of thinking about my budget and my possibilities, your help was very important for my final decision, achieving this great dream.

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